Young Samaritans: 4th-5th Grade
2024-2025 runs Sundays, September 15 – May 4
Young Samaritans journey with preteens as they explore faith and life relational skills. Each month will include a new topic, including: The Young Samaritan Experience, Listening, Empathy, Great Conversations, Choose Kindness, Dealing With Conflict, Encouragement, Adults to Trust, Good Decisions and more. 4th and 5th graders will have time together for open youth room, games, activities, object lessons, discussions and more!
Young Samaritans work through four different elements while exploring the various topics:
- Head – Biblical and theological connections.
- Heart – specific skills.
- Hand – practicing of the skills.
- Holy – spiritual practices.
Young Samaritans will grow in relationship with their peers and caring adults while gaining critical life skills that they can carry with them for the rest of their life.
Children will begin their Sundays in worship and leave for Young Samaritans following the Children’s message. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will then pick up their children from the Young Samaritans room after worship.
Questions? Contact: Leisha Tays , Director of CYF Ministries
Phone 763-434-6117 ext. 131
Email Leisha Tays, ltays@oursaviourslc.org
Please note: On occasion, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church may use group photographs of children/youth in the monthly newsletter, on the church website, or as part of a display in the Rotunda. Children/youth are not identified by name. If you have concerns about photographs possibly being used in this way, please contact Leisha at ltays@oursaviourslc.org