Spiritual Care at Our Saviour’s
If you have experienced a crisis in your life or are in need of spiritual care, we would be honored to walk with you. In cases of emergency, accidents, sudden illnesses, or prior to surgery, please contact the church office 763-434-6117 and follow directions for a pastoral contact.
Can we pray for you?
As a church family, our desire is to get to know and care for the spiritual as well as the physical needs of our members, our community, and their friends and neighbors. Our prayer ministry is one of our primary vehicles for member and community care.
God calls us to pray for one another in times of joy and sorrow (James 5:13-16). It would be our privilege to pray for you and walk with you as you praise God for life’s blessings, and cry out to God for grace and mercy.
If you, a friend or a loved one is sick, scheduled for surgery, involved in an accident, hospitalized, or lost a loved one and want to be included in our prayer chain, please contact Amy Werder at 763-434-6117 ext. 122.