Turkey Basket Collection
For Thanksgiving, Our Saviour’s Confirmation Youth assemble Turkey Baskets for N.A.C.E. (North Anoka County Emergency) Food Shelf. The goal is to assemble 30 complete baskets to provide a Thanksgiving meal for a family in need. You can help by contributing one or more of the items listed.
Items Needed (get a printable list at Turkey Baskets):
$20 Cub gift cards (for turkey)
Turkey gravy (packets or jar)
Can vegetables
Can fruit
Stuffing (box or bag)
Mashed or scalloped potatoes (box or bag of actual potatoes)
Pie crust (for pumpkin pie)
Pumpkin pie filling
Evaporated milk
Jello (any size/flavor)
Sweet potatoes (box or bag of actual potatoes)
Small marshmallows
Cranberries (can)
Foil roasting pan
Fall colored tablecloth
Fall napkins & plates
Tote box from Cub