Church Ministries

Crafting for Mission – Our Saviour’s crafters make prayer beads, prayer shawls, quilts, cards, and pillowcase dresses. These items are given to folks in need in the church, community, and around the world. Click for details…

Maintenance – .Consider using your skills to help with maintenance and upkeep of the Our Saviour’s building. Click for details..

Technical – Help with PowerPoint or camera operation. Click for details…

Worship – Help on Sundays or Wednesdays with ushering, altar care, communion, scripture reading, and more. Click for details…

Worship Arts – If you have musical skills, consider being a part of the worship bands. Click for details…

Mission Outreach

Guatemala Mission Trips – Our Saviour’s partners with Casas por Cristo to build homes in Guatemala. Spend a week’s vacation giving a family one of the most basic elements: a home. Click for details…

NACE Food Shelf – You can help feed the hungry in our community. A group from Our Saviour’s helps at the food shelf once-a-month on the 4th Monday. Also, the food shelf always welcomes your donations of $$ and food! Click for details…