NACE Food Shelf

North Anoka County Emergency NACE Food Shelf/Clothing Closet

March is MN Food Share Month,

Food Shelf QR

You can directly impact neighbors with your donation! Our Saviour’s has been connected to NACE, our local food shelf, since it was created. Bring in a special “Food Share Month” food offering throughout March or for a bigger impact, make a financial donation using the QR code at right, or by dropping a check, made out to “NACE” in the offering basket or at the reception desk.

NACE Food Shelf Supporting the Community

Located at 18511 Hwy 65 NE, Suite 200, East Bethel (Stone Brothers’ Building), the NACE Food Shelf reaches out to families in need in the north Anoka County area. Open hours are:

  • Mondays, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; 5:30-7:30 p.m.
  • Tuesdays 5-8 p.m.
  • Wednesdays,1-4 p.m.
  • Thursdays, 9 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

NACE, in partnership with all available and willing resources, strives  to curb suffering from hunger in our communities by providing balanced nutrition to all people who are truly in need. You are welcome to visit the food shelf every 60 days. They ask that for each adult in the household you bring an I.D. and a piece of mail with your current address. The last number for distribution will be given out 15 minutes prior to close. Be sure to arrive early.

The Clothing Closet

The Clothing Closet, open the same hours as the food shelf, is located in the same building and welcomes families who are in need to select free, used clothing.

Donations to the Food Shelf and Clothing Closet Welcome

NACE always welcomes food and monetary donations. Donations are accepted Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Please call to schedule drop off times. Non-perishable items can be brought to Our Saviour’s on Jackson St., where they can be placed in the collection box in the coat hallway. You are invited to donate your clean, used clothing. Donations can be dropped off at Our Saviour’s in the bin located in the coat hallway. If you prefer to give a monetary donation, NACE can purchase food from Second Harvest Heartland for 16 cents a pound so your dollars will go a very long way. The NACE mailing address is mailing address is:
P.O. Box 2, East Bethel, MN  55011.

For more information, contact the Foodshelf or 763-434-7685, Monday-Friday.

For information about volunteering at the Foodshelf, check out their website at North Anoka County Emergency Food Shelf or call them at 763-434-7685, Monday-Friday.

Get directions to NACE