Here We Stand

Here We Stand: Grades 6-8


Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m.


Confirmation is a time of great connection! Confirmation equips youth with the teachings of the Bible and faith so they can make an informed decision to live out their life of faith.

Here We Stand Confirmation accomplishes these things through a variety of ways:

  • Large Group – students will learn from the Children, Youth, & Family (CYF) Innovator about Biblical stories and faith history and practices. We then explore how it connects to us personally today and the difference our faith makes in our lives and in our world.
  • Small Group – students will connect with their peers and caring adults. In small group, they will build safe and life-long relationships through sharing life, exploring the personal side of faith, practicing care and prayer for one another and more!
  • Fellowship & Service – Youth will also have times of fellowship (such as bonfires, retreats, lock-in, etc.) and service projects (such as Feed My Starving Children, Food Shelf Collections, Trunk n Treat, etc.).

Early Registration Now Open!

Register now for the 2024-2025 program year for those in grades 6-8 in fall 2024.

$50 per student per year – Cost includes: Bible upon starting confirmation, supplies, curriculum, retreats, Confirmation service in fall of 9th grade, and more! 

You can pay a few different ways:


-Cash (with note or envelope labeled with student’s name) or Check (made out to OSLC with “Confirmation” in the memo with the students name).

-Cash and checks can either be dropped off at Our Saviour’s in the “Children-Youth-Family” box on the wall behind the reception desk or mailed to: Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Attn: Lauren Gainey, 19001 Jackson St NE, East Bethel, MN 55011

-Scholarships are available upon request.  Contact Leisha, Director of CYF Ministries at

Director of CYF (Children, Youth & Family) Ministries

My name is Leisha Tays, Director of CYF Ministries. I am the guide and teacher for large group of confirmation at Our Saviour’s. I am committed to providing a safe model for learning and sound theological education that connects logic with relationship. Please let me know if you have any questions.

If you have a desire to walk alongside our young people on their confirmation journey, please contact me! I’d love to have you as part of the team!

Click for inclement weather information.

Church Use of Photography

On occasion, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church may use group photographs of children/youth in the monthly newsletter, on the church website, or as part of a display in the Rotunda. Children/youth are not identified by name. If you have concerns about photographs possibly being used in this way, please contact the church office 763-434-6117.