Home Building Mission: Casas por Cristo
For years now a team from Our Saviour’s has traveled to Mexico, Guatemala, or Dominican Republic to build a home for a family living in poverty.
Each year a group will travel and build an entire home from the ground up, for a family living in poverty. Working in partnership with Casas por Cristo (Homes for Christ) link: casasporcristo.org, a team travels to build a home from the ground up in less than a week. Food, lodging, and transportation are all included for the team. We are looking for team members to help build a home in Guatemala for a family living in poverty. You’ll have an opportunity to get to know the family and share with them the love of Jesus by giving the gift of a new home.
This is an inspirational and faith-filled experience. The boost of a new home helps the family financially, improves health, and can help them grow spirituality. This is an ideal opportunity for adults and families including children. Building experience is not a requirement as we work with a local guide and training is provided. To learn more contact Jason or Karen Moehring at 612-850-1387.