The Our Saviour’s Endowment Fund

What is the Endowment Fund?
The Endowment Fund was established on January 26, 1986. Its purpose is to enhance the mission of Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, apart from the general operation of the congregation.
This Endowment Fund can be used for the following four categories:
- Capital improvements at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
- Scholarships or grants for further education of Our Saviour’s members
- Outreach into the Our Saviour’s community
- Missions at home and overseas.
Your donation will help this fund continue to grow, becoming self-perpetuating forever, creating gifts of giving.
Why Give to the Endowment Fund?
As we mature in our Christian faith, more and more we experience the joy of giving—of getting beyond ourselves and extending helping hands to others in gratitude for our own blessings.
It is a universal yearning to be able to reach beyond our life span to leave our stamp upon this world. The Endowment Fund is an opportunity to memorialize one’s own affection for Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church or to honor a family member or other individual who has made a significant contribution.
Ways to Give to the Foundation:
- Gifts of cash are simple, straight-forward ways to make a contribution
- Gifts of securities can provide benefits to both you and Our Saviour’s
- Gifts of life insurance can be an attractive alternative if the policy has outlived its original purpose;
- Gifts of real estate are another option;
- Gifts by will, or bequests, are an important means of giving to this fund
- Gifts with retained income allow you to make a gift to this fund while retaining income by establishing a charitable remainder trust.
- A gift of an engraved paver purchased to complete the path to the Meditation Garden is a loving way to memorialize and honor your loved one for all time.
How to participate or get further information about the Endowment Fund
For more information about the Endowment Fund or how you can take part in this program, please complete the following:
Link to Endowment Brochure
Link to Endowment Scholarship Application
Link to Endowment Funds Application