Become a Member at Our Saviour’s
Have you been worshiping at Our Saviour’s, attending a class here, or serving others through our small groups? Are you interested in partnering with Our Saviour’s in a deeper way? Consider membership at Our Saviour’s.
Becoming a member is an intentional act that unites us in a powerful way. Together, we reach out to our neighbors and our world with a voice of hope. We work alongside each other, combining and stewarding our God-given talents, gifts, resources, and time, doing more together than any of us could do on our own.
Whether you’re a member or not, you’re welcome to participate in worship and other activities at Our Saviour’s! When you’re ready to take the next step and become a member of this community of faith, simply attend a New Member Orientation.
New Member Orientation
Watch for the next class.
Interested in making Our Saviour’s your church home or want to know more about Our Saviour’s? You are invited to join this class. Please sign up online at New Member Registration or on the Small Group Ministry board in the Rotunda.